Think smart together with your team
During a brainstorming session make it easier for everyone to express their ideas by creating a wall of propositions.
The participants can "like" the ideas of others, therefore making them appear bigger on the screen. The facilitator can filter the propositions by topic in real time in order to show them in a simpler way.
This activity boosts collective intelligence and allows to find solutions and define action plans together. It also allows you to discuss the ideas that have been generated by showing them on the screen.
The facilitator can control the activity by blocking the publication of new ideas, for example.
You have different options for the Brainstorming activity: Moderation mode and Anonymous mode.
1. Moderation mode
Moderating the acitivity will allow you to hide the ideas that you don’t want to display on the Cast and on the participants’ devices.
Learn more about Moderating.
2. Anonymous mode
To make it easier for participants to express themselves, use the anonymous mode. That way the facilitator will not know who proposed which idea.
Find out more about Creating a Brainstorming activity and Animating a Brainstorming activity.
You will find more useful information in this article: Team Brainstorming.
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