How do I add a video?
You would like to show your audience a video and then check how well they understood the content or you simply want to find out their opinion about it?
You can add videos directly to the Sparkup platform without having to switch from one interface to another.
You will find more information about videos here.
1. Click on New Activity
Create a new scenario or choose an existing one, click on New Activity and choose the Video.
2. A pop-up window will appear
3. Give the activity a name
Enter the title in the "Name" field.
Example: Sparkup tutorial
4. Enter a description
This is a useful option only if you wish to share this activity with your facilitators' team to help them understand it.
5. Download your video
Click on "Choose a file" to import a video. Your video should respect the following requirements:
- MP4 format
- Maximum size - 200 Mo.
6. Confirm the creation of the activity
The activity will be available in your library or directly in your scenario and you will be able to launch it during your session.
Find out more about Animating videos.
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