In this update, we have added several important new features that will enrich your experience, especially before your event.
You will find in this article the following topics:
- Registration page
- Automated emails
- Participants management & new 100% private access mode
- Participant pre-event page
Registration page
Before your event, you no longer need another platform to manage simple registration processes. You can now share a registration page with your attendees:
Sparkup session - Registration page
This registration page is customizable! You have indeed the hand on:
- Event title,
- Background color,
- Main picture,
- Logo,
- Description text.
You will find this page in the menu Configure -> Registration tab of your session:
Admin interface of a session - "Configure" menu Registration tab
On the left, you can see the different elements of personalisation.
On the right, you have a preview of the registration page and the link to access it. You also have the possibility to get the embedded code of the form by clicking on the Embed in a website button.
To share this registration page, you have 2 options:
- Share the link to the full page by email with your participants,
- Embed the registration form on a third party site.
Your participants will be just one click away from joining your session. Easy!
Automated emails
Once your participants have registered, they can receive emails automatically. This will simplify the organization of your event and facilitate the login of your participants on D-day.
In the Configure menu, Emails tab, you can now manage automated emails:
Admin interface - "Configure" menu "Emails" tab
Sparkup includes 4 automated emails:
- Registration confirmation,
- Reminder 1 day before the event,
- Reminder 1 hour before the event,
- Reminder 10 minutes before the event.
These 4 emails are optional and can be activated or deactivated according to your needs. In addition, the following elements are customizable:
- Email subject,
- Logo,
- Email body,
- The color of the button to join the session (follows the customisation of your session).
Therefore, your participants will be automatically notified and will be able to join the session being directly identified in 1 click!
Participants management & new 100% private access mode
In this new version, we have added a new menu called Participants in the left sidebar to manage your participants both in advance and live:

Admin interface - "Participants" menu
On this page, you can:
Import the list of expected participants,
See the number of expected, registered and logged-in participants,
View the list of expected or registered participants according to the selected filter,
Exclude a participant from the session.
Importing a list of participants is of course optional, but is recommended for sessions with the new 100% private access mode.
Indeed, in the Configure menu, General tab, you now have 3 types of session:
Free authentication - you only need the session link to enter as a visitor,
Required authentication - the participant must authenticate via an email + password (the account can be created on the fly),
*New*Authentication and validation required - the participant must log in with an email validated by the administrator to enter the session. This validation can be done beforehand by importing an email list, or in real time by validating the connection:
On this page, you can:
- Import the list of expected participants,
- See the number of expected, registered and logged-in participants,
- View the list of expected or registered participants according to the selected filter,
- Exclude a participant from the session.Importer la liste des participants attendus.
Importing a list of participants is of course optional, but is recommended for sessions with the new 100% private access mode.
Indeed, in the Configure menu, General tab, you now have 3 types of session:
- Free authentication - you only need the session link to enter as a visitor,
- Required authentication - the participant must authenticate via an email + password (the account can be created on the fly),
- *New*Authentication and validation required - the participant must log in with an email validated by the administrator to enter the session. This validation can be done beforehand by importing an email list, or in real time by validating the connection:
An unexpected person tries to join a private session
Participant pre-event page
With this update, a participant will be able to access the session very easily even prior to the event. But before the live, your participants should not have access to all your content.
That's why we have now added a pre-event mode to Sparkup sessions. And you don't have to do anything, it's automatic!
Indeed, if the session hasn't started, your participants will arrive directly on this page:
Participant view in pre-event
They will only have access to their profile and to the documents/activities made available in the For You section.
This will allow you to continue preparing your session and doing your tests in complete peace of mind!
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